Maria Teresa Savio Hooke è analista di training della Società Psicoanalitica Australiana e membro dell’International Psychoanalytical Associations (IPA). È stata Presidente della Società Psicoanalitica Australiana. È membro dell’IPA China Committee e come Presidente dell’Outreach and Communication ha co-organizzato la prima Conferenza del Centenario IPA a Pechino nel 2010. È co-Presidente per l’Europa del Comitato IPA su Psychoanalytic Perspective on Ageing. Ha curato con Salman Akhtar ”The Geography of Meanings”, pubblicato dall’IPA. È stata recentemente insignita dell’Ordine della Stella del governo italiano per i servizi alla psicoanalisi in Australia.
Maria Teresa Savio Hooke is a training analyst with the Australian Psychoanalytical Society and member of the International Psychoanalytical Associations (IPA). She is past President of the Australian Psychoanalytical Society . She is a member of the IPA China Committee and as Chair of Outreach and Communication she has co-organized the first IPA Centenary Conference in Beijing in 2010. She is co-Chair for Europe of the IPA Committee of Psychoanalytic Perspective on Ageing. She had edited with Salman Akhtar ”The Geography of Meanings” published by the IPA. She was recently awarded the Order of the Star from the Italian Government for services to psychoanalysis in Australia.