Risultati per: her

Taylor, D., Fonagy, P. & Leuzinger-Bohleber, M. (2014). Two Trials assessing the effectiveness of psychoanalysis & psychoanalytic psychotherapy Int.Journ.Psychoanal. Open, 1:85.

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Lemma A., Target M., Fonagy P. (2013). Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT): Developing a New Psychodynamic Intervention for the Treatment of Depression. Psychoanal.Inquiry, 33:552–566.

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Dreher A.U. (2004). What is psychoanalytic conceptual research?

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5 aprile 2014 ROMA: Geografie della Psicoanalisi. Una psicoanalista a Teheran

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Freud rinasce a Teheran. Incontro con l’iraniana Gohar Homayounpour tornata in patria per portarvi la “peste” psicoanalitica, LA STAMPA, 14 aprile 2014

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28 Febbr – 2 Marzo 2014, Francoforte – 15th J.Sandler Psychoanalytic Research Conference. The Unconscious. A bridge between psychoanalysis and cognitive science. Researchers and clinicians in dialogue. Resoconto di L.Solano

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Boeker H. et al.(2013). Essentials of psychoanalytic process and change: how can we investigate the neural effects of psychodynamic psychotherapy in individualized neuro-imaging? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

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