Videointervista a Marie-Thérèse Khair Badawi

Videointervista a Marie-Thérèse Khair Badawi

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..dove insegna dal 1978. Psicoanalista, membro della International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), della Federazione Europea di Psicoanalisi (EFP), e della Società Psicoanalitica di Parigi (SPP), è anche membro fondatore e Presidente della Lebanese Association for the Development of Psychoanalysis (ALDeP), il primo Study Group IPA (da gennaio 2010) in un paese di lingua araba. È membro fondatore e membro attivo di molte associazioni in Libano. Ha tenuto conferenze in convegni e presso università, in Libano e all’estero (Germania, Regno Unito, Belgio, Canada, Cipro, USA, Francia, Italia, Svizzera, Tunisia, Turchia …). Le sue linee principali di ricerca e pubblicazioni  (ospitate tra l’altro su la Revue Française de Psychanalyse e l’International Journal of Psychoanalysis) sono relative a: la psicoanalisi, il trauma, la sessualità (soprattutto femminile), la mascolinità e la femminilità, la femminilità e il materno …La sua tesi di dottorato  – pubblicata presso Harmattan a Parigi, 1986 – “Le désir amputé, vécu sexuel de femmes libanaises” è considerata dall’UNESCO come la prima ricerca affidabile sulla sessualità delle donne in Medio Oriente.
Marie-Thérèse Khair Badawi is a Full Professor and Research Director at St Joseph University, Beirut, where she teaches since 1978. Psychoanalyst, member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), the European Federation of Psychoanalysis (EFP), and the Paris Psychoanalytic Society (SPP), she is also a founder member and the President of the Lebanese Association for the Development of Psychoanalysis (ALDeP), the First IPA Study Group (since January 2010) in an Arab speaking country. She is a founder member and active member of many associations in Lebanon. She lectured in meetings and universities, in Lebanon and abroad (Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, USA, France, Italy, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey…). Her main research axes and publications (among which the Revue Française de Psychanalyse and the International Journal of Psychoanalysis): psychoanalysis, trauma, sexuality (feminine particularly), masculinity and femininity, femininity and the maternal…Her PHD thesis published at l’Harmattan in  Paris, 1986 “Le désir amputé, vécu sexuel de femmes libanaises”  is considered as the first reliable  research on women sexuality in the Middle East by the UNESCO.She presently works in private practice and gives seminars in both the Hellenic and the Paris Societies and is the Chair of the Executive committee of the Paris Society’s Psychoanalytical Clinic.
She wrote chapters and books on psychosomatics and hypochondria and numerous (130) papers in French and International reviews. She received the price Maurice Bouvet in 1992.



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