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Turnbull O.H. & Lovett V.E. (2012). Emotion and delusion: Seeking common ground between neuroscience and the psychotherapies. In Fotopoulou A., Pfaff D. & Conway M.A. (Eds.). (2012). From the Couch to the Lab. Oxford University Press.


Turnbull O.H. & Lovett V.E. (2012). Emotion and delusion: Seeking common ground between neuroscience and the psychotherapies. Chapt.11 in Fotopoulou A., Pfaff D. & Conway M.A. (Eds.). (2012). From the Couch to the Lab: Trends in Neuropsychoanalysis. Oxford University Press.

La credenza delirante ha una base nell’emozione che può venire esaminata integrando le conoscenze psicoanalitiche e neuroscientifiche.

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