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Psychodynamic Psychoanalytic Research Society (PPRS)


Fra il 2007 e il 2008 un comitato dell’American Psychoanalytical Association (APsaA) istituì una Task Force con lo scopo di riorganizzare, coordinare e integrare le attività di ricerca in ambito psicoanalitico. Dopo due anni di lavori fu deciso di costituire una struttura autonoma, separata dall’APsaA, la Psychodynamic Psychoanalytic Research Society (PPRS). 

Finalità perseguite dalla PPRS: 

  1. The mission of PPRS is to provide a community for all those interested in empirical psychodynamic/psychoanalytic research, in scholarship related to psychoanalytic theory and practice, as well as relevant scholarship from ‘neighboring fields’ to gather, share, and discuss their work. Membership is open to all.
  2. PPRS is an independent organization, associated with APsaA but not under its direct control, and will maintain an open policy of collaborating with all organizations that support its mission.
  3. PPRS is committed to a membership that is professionally and geographically diverse. That is, the goal is to have active members from all professional groups (PhD, MD, social work degrees, etc.) and from all countries.
  4. PPRS is especially committed to supporting the training and development of young researchers as they will form the future of our field.
  5. PPRS will maintain a transparent and democratic process for electing officials, making organizational decisions, and choosing papers and presentations for meetings. 

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