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Psychoanal.Inquiry (2015). Toward an empirically informed 21st-Century psychoanalysis: challenges and opportunities.


Con quali sfide e con quali opportunità si misura una psicoanalisi che si fonda su studi e evidenze empiriche?

La rivista Psychoanalytic Inquiry dedica a questo tema un numero monografico (Suppl.1, 2015): Toward an empirically informed 21st-Century psychoanalysis: challenges and opportunities.

As most psychodynamic clinicians and scholars are well aware, psychoanalysis has long been under attack in clinical settings, in academia, and in the public domain, as well.

<…>  As a result, psychoanalysis has been increasingly marginalized, in both research and clinical settings; the situation has grown so dire that some writers have gone so far as to predict the impending death of psychoanalysis.

These criticisms notwithstanding, there have been a number of compelling empirical studies, literature reviews, and meta-analyses in recent years documenting the effectiveness of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy, and the heuristic value and clinical utility of a broad array of psychoanalytic concepts.

To maximize the impact of these investigations it is important that the psychoanalytic community—and the broader mental health community as well—be made aware of the most compelling contemporary research testing and evaluating psychoanalytic ideas. It is time to bring together our best work in this area, to set the stage for an empirically informed psychoanalysis in the 21st century and beyond“. (dall’ Introduzione di R.F.Bornstein e S.K.Huprich).

Vai ai testi degli articoli :

– Patrick Luyten’s “Unholy questions about five central tenets of psychoanalysis that need to be empirically verified

– Jon Mills’ “Psychoanalysis and the ideologies of science”.

– Robert Bornstein’s “From surface to depth: Toward a more psychodynamically informed DSM-6” .

– Steven Huprich, Nancy McWilliams, Vittorio Lingiardi, Robert Bornstein, Francesco Gazzillo, and Robert Gordon “The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual  (PDM ) and the PDM -2: Opportunities to significantly affect the profession”.

– Anthony Bram and Jed Yalof’s “Quantifying complexity: Personality assessment and its relationship with psychoanalysis”.

– Otto Kernberg “Resistances and progress in developing a research framework in psychoanalytic institutes

– Andrew Gerberand Lauren Knopf “An empirically-based psychoanalytic curriculum”.

– Jed Yalof’ “Teaching psychoanalytic concepts in the university setting: Issues, challenges, and promises” – – Amanda Jill Clemence, Jane Tillman, and John Poston “How to include analytic patients in research and how this affects treatment”.

– EveCaligor, Steven Roose, Mark Hilsenroth, and Bret Rutherford “Developing a protocol design for an outcome study of psychoanalysis”.

– Sherwood Waldron, Francesco Gazzillo, and Karl Stukenberg’s “Do the processes of psychoanalytic work lead to benefit? Studies by the APS Research Group and the Psychoanalytic Research Consortium

– Steven K. Huprich & Robert F. Bornstein “Behind closed doors: sadomasochistic enactments and psychoanalytic research”

– Frederic N. Busch “Discussion: psychoanalytic research: progress and questions“.

– Steven K. Huprich & Robert F. Bornstein “Epilogue: toward an empirically informed 21st-Century psychoanalysis: challenges and opportunities: can we move forward?“.

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