La Ricerca

I.P.A. – Research Proposal 2016: Open

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La ricerca nel training analitico. Kernberg O. & Michels R. (2016) Thoughts on the present and future of psychoanalytic education (2016). J.A.P.A. 64/3: 477- 493.

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Preti E., Sarno I., Richetin J., Doering S., Hörz-Sagstetter S. (2016). The effect of unconscious attitudes toward therapy on psychoanalytic processes and outcomes: interactions between therapists’ and patients’ dynamics over time.

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Shedler J. (2015). Where is the Evidence for Evidence-Based Therapy?

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Oasi O. (2015). Observing the determinants of the psychotherapeutic process in depressive disorders. A clinical case study within a psychodynamic approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 21 Apr 2015.

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Colli et al. (2016). Il contributo della ricerca empirica alla pratica clinica e alla riflessione sulle teorie dell’azione terapeutica. I primi dati di una ricerca nazionale. XVIII Congresso SPI, Mag 2016.

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21-22 Ott. 2016, Milano. I soggetti della relazione terapeutica. Tra clinica e ricerca. XI Congresso Nazionale della SPR-Italy Area Group

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Cuijpers P. (2016). Meta-analyses in mental health research. A practical guide. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

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Teicher M.H. & Samson J.A. (2016). Annual Research Review: Enduring neurobiological effects of childhood abuse and neglect. J.Child Psychol. Psychiatry, 57,3:267.

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SPR-Italia – Anagrafe dei gruppi e dei progetti di ricerca in Italia

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Lingiardi V. & Ponsi M. (2013). L’utilità della ricerca empirica per la psicoanalisi. Riv.Psicoanalisi, LIX,4: 885-909.

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Call for participation in the Network “Child, Adolescent and Family: Assessment, Interventions and Psychotherapy”

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