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APsaA (Amer.Psychoanal.Assn) – Repertorio bibliografico sulla ricerca empirica psicoanalitica e psicodinamica


This is a bibliography of research reviews and studies that are applicable to psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. It can be used as a resource for literature reviews on certain topics and can be used for the teaching of the systematic study of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic principles and techniques.

It is meant to be a living document with periodic updates and inclusion of references of relevant psychoanalytic and psychodynamic research articles.

The studies included here are based on a comprehensive literature review of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic empirical research deemed relevant to the included topic headings. It is comprehensive but not exhaustive; some relevant studies may not be included secondary to space and/or quality considerations.

This bibliography has been compiled under the direction of Ayelet Barkai and John Porcerelli. If you have any suggestions of topics and specific references to be added to this list, please send your suggestions to Leon Hoffman and/or Wilma Bucci (co-chairs of CORE) at and Alliance

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