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26-30 June 2016 , Buenos Aires – IPA 20th Research Training Program


International Psychoanalytical Assn
20th Annual Research Training Program, Buenos Aires, 26-30 June 2016.

We are pleased to announce the 2016 IPA Annual Research Training Programme. The Programme will be focused around the research of attending Fellows and discussed by an international Faculty of IPA Visiting Professors in Psychoanalytic Research. The programme will be held from Sunday 26 June (pm) to Thursday 30 June 2016 nad willl be based at the Instituto Universitario de Salud Mental, Asociación Psicoanalítica de Buenos Aires, Argentina. As in previous years, the aims of this successful training programme will be to provide attendees with opportunities for consultation and discussion of ongoing research projects and receive training in empirical and conceptual approaches to psychoanalytic researchin a number of areas including: psychotherapy, personality and psychopathology, attachment and parenting, social neuroscience, developmental processes, neurocognitive functioning, psychoanalytic process and outcome and clinical/conceptual research.  
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v. anche Buenos Aires, 1-3 July  – The Joseph Sandler Psychoanalytic Research Conference
The relationship between psychoanalytic research and clinica work

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