Psychoanalysis of the Psychoses
Current Developments in Theory and Practice
Riccardo Lombardi, Luigi Rinaldi e Sarantis Thanopulos (a cura di)
Ed. Routledge New York, 2019
(Il libro è già stato pubblicato in Italiano, da Cortina, nel 2016, con il titolo Psicoanalisi delle Psicosi)
Contributi di: Mark Blechner, Stefano Calamandrei, Giuseppe Civitarese, Franco De Masi, Didier Houzel, John Kafka, Riccardo Lombardi, Giuseppe Martini, Luigi Rinaldi, Michael Robbins, Ira Steinman, Sarantis Thanopulos, Paul Williams.
“Rarely has a book dealt with the psychodynamics and analytic treatment of psychotic patients with the breadth and scholarship of this comprehensive volume. I enthusiastically recommend this wonderful book.”-Lawrence J. Brown, IPA Psychoanalyst, Boston, USA; author of Transformational Processes in Clinical Psychoanalysis: Dreaming, Emotions, and the Present Moment.
“The psychoanalytic research on unrepresented (psycho-somatic, autistic or autistoid etc) and psychotic states has an increasingly and important impact on the current psychoanalysis. Reading this book is a touching experience, discovering how psychotic patients can be open to psychoanalysis, so that holding and containing processes can occur.”-Bernd Nissen, IPA Training and Supervising Analyst, Editor of Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse
Psychoanalysis of the Psychoses brings together a distinguished international set of contributors, offering a range of views and approaches, to explore the latest thinking in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychosis and related disorders. Drawing on findings from neuroscience, theory and clinical material from many schools of psychoanalytic thought, this book offers a comprehensive guide to understanding how psychosis is conceptualised from a psychoanalytic perspective. It looks at how to work with psychotic patients, typical problems in treating psychosis and the role of pharmacology. It demonstrates the relational dimension, capable of strengthening the patient’s observing Ego and facilitating the integration of the different areas of the personality. This process can identify and work through the main psychological stress factors involved in psychotic disturbances, transforming chaotic thoughts into springboards for important insights, and offering patients the precious chance to construct for the first time a creative relationship with their own existence. Psychoanalysis of the Psychoses will be of great interest to psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists as well as psychiatrists wishing to draw upon psychoanalytic ideas in their work.
Riccardo Lombardi, MD, is a Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist. He maintains a full-time private practice in Rome, Italy, and teaches at the Roman Psychoanalytic Institute of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). He is also a Training and Supervising Analyst of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society.
Luigi Rinaldi is a Psychiatrist and Training Analyst, and Member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and IPA. He has been Head Psychiatrist and has taught in the University schools of specialization in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology in Naples, Italy.
Sarantis Thanopulos is a Psychiatrist and Supervising and Training Analyst of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society and IPA, based in Naples, Italy.
(Tratto dalla quarta di copertina)