“Family & Couple Suffering”
Autori: Mauer Susana, Moscona Sara, Resnizky Silvia
Casa Editrice: Ediciones BIEBEL Buenos Aires Argentina
Anno: 2017-09-10
Cover image: Los arquitectos de la palabra by Sergio Moscova
A book in English about clinical devices that transcend individual psychoanalysis deserves to be celebrated, all the more so when it is a new work by three authors who have already presented the outcome of many years of thinking and writing together. They thus practice what they preach; by way of collective writing, they go from individual work to the production of a relationship that could be defined as a fraternal, professional, and, an a way, family link. In a back-and-forth between clinical practice, theory, and technique, they firmly take hold of the notion of device. The use of this concept becomes meaningful if we think of psychoanalytic clinical practice itself as a device. This practice comprises a series of heterogeneous elements and, like any device, emerges in relation to a new and urgent situation or, at least, a new situation. In the extensive and well-grounded clinical examples presented by the authors, the connection with suffering becomes natural. Suffering, moreover, can change just as subjectivity can. In the light of the current transformations of hegemonic codes, how could the device created by psychoanalysis more than one hundred years ago remain the same? This excellent choral work, which brings clinical practice to the fore, offers a path that poses questions whose answer will be found in the encounter with the readers. (Virginia Ungar).
Susana Mauer, Sara Moscona and Silvia Resnizky are Argentine psychologist and psychoanalysts. They are full member and training analyststs of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). Sara Moscona is also full member of the Argentine Association of Group Psychology and Psychotherapy (AAPPG) and faculty member of that institution. In addition, they are all full professors of the Master’s Program in Family and Couple Studies of APdeBA’s Mental Health University Institute (IUSAM) and Silvia Resnizky is the director of that program.
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