
V.Greco – Trauma in the body: child dissociation and identity disorder in Adolescence.

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L.Solano – Beyond symptoms: towards an assessment based on level of integration

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S.Maestro – Service Cerco Asilo: a therapeutic nursery to support parenthood in infancy and early childhood

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L. Colombi – Psychic Withdrawal and Eating Disorders: some considerations from children and adult clinical material.

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A. Ferruta – Where there’s no being alone.The Winnicottian attention to the integrity of the objects in analysis and in culture

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A.Ferruta – Where there’s no being alone. The winnicottian care for the integrity of the objects in analysis and in culture

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A.Ferro – Oscillating on a very rickety bridge between too much and not enough

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A.Ferro – En oscillation sur un pont très fragile entre trop et pas assez

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21 marzo 2015 CdPR Forme Anoressiche

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26-29 marzo 2015, PADOVA, Group Relation Conference ALI in collaborazione con Tavistock Consulting e OFEK

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18 aprile 2015 CPB Il Lettino e la Piazza: L’adolescenza

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SPIWEB: Looking beyond the Couch: Videos and Events on the Website

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