
Elenco contributi degli psicoanalisti italiani al congresso (PARTE 1)


Paola Ferri

workshop di Psicoanalisi Infantile 


Loris Zanin

"The psychoanalytic consultation: only one meeting" 


Anna Niccolò

Changes of pathology in adolescence  Nicolò (presenting)

con Kaplan, Ponce de Leon , Grieve e Ferder (chair) 

SDG Small Discussion Group (IPA Congress only):

The Concept of the Link in Couple and Family Psychoanalysis

Scharff, David E., USA, (Presenting); Puget, Janine, Argentina, (Presenting) 

Chair; Keogh, Timothy, Australia (Presenting); Nicolo, Anna Maria, Italy, (discussant); Zeitner, Richard, USA, (Presenting); Bleichmar, Hugo, Spain, (Presenting); Berenstein, Isidoro, Argentina, (Presenting) 


Vincenzo Bonaminio

Chair: Irene Cairo,

Panellists, G. Gabbard, Julio Moreno, Vincenzo Bonaminio

Psychoanalysis and Virtual reality  

‘A perfect world’ and its imperfections.

Psychoanalytic Clinical Notes on Adolescence and Virtual Reality 


Violet Pietrantonio

un caso di bambino per la Supervisione con analista di Training Virginia Ungar (Argentina)  


Laura Ravaioli

un caso di adulto per la Supervisione con analista di Training, Ruth Stein (USA)  


Luca Nicoli

discussant per l’Europa al lavoro di Robin A. Deutsch (US) a proposito della perdita del proprio analista  


Luisa Marino

chair alla vincitrice del premio Sacerdoti Analia Wald

chair alla sessione Candidate Voices durante la quale saranno presentate tutte le organizzazioni di candidaati nelle tre regioni IPA.  


Giovanni Foresti

  “Vigencia, problemas y anacromismos del encuadre analitico” 


Ronny Jaffè 

reporter/moderator in uno dei gruppi del WPIP (Working Party Initiating Psychaoanlysis)  

Partecipazione un small discussion group con Diena S. Egidi V. Ferruta A, e Kogan I: (Israele) dal titolo: “There is a remedy for everything but death. To bear witness, to recover and trasform psychic experiences of annihilation”   

Presentazione di un individual paper dal titolo:

Idealisation and persecutory background in the bodily fragment. What change is possible?  


Irene Ruggiero

panel con Ruggero Levy e con Jim Herzog su:

" Psychoanalitical treatment with severly disturbed /Adolescents" 


Trattare analiticamente adolescenti con spiccate tendenze autodistruttive costituisce una sfida per l’analista a vari livelli.

Egli si trova costretto a scelte teorico- cliniche che hanno inevitabili conseguenze sul trattamento: fra queste, le ipotesi sulla patologenesi della sintomatologia dell’adolescente, il ruolo del controtransfert nell’elaborazione della pressione che gli actings dell’adolescente e dei suoi genitori esercitano sulla tenuta e sul funzionamento mentale dell’analista; la valutazione del peso che hanno in queste specifiche situazioni cliniche i fattori terapeutici più importanti (interpretazione, supporto della funzione riflessiva, empatia, condivisione, sintonizzazione, ecc.); il ruolo del lavoro con i genitori, che nell’adolescenza costituiscono specificamente oggetti interni-esterni. Nel panel, questi punti verranno discussi sulla base del materiale clinico di un adolescente di 14 anni che ha commesso svariati tentativi di suicidio.

*Psychoanalytically treating adolescents with marked self-destructive tendencies challenges the analyst in various ways, and he is forced into theoretical/clinical choices which have inevitable consequences on the treatment. These include the prevalent hypotheses regarding the aetiopathogenesis of the adolescent’s symptomatology, the role of counter-transference in the elaboration of the pressure exerted by the adolescent’s actings out (and those of the parents) on the resilience and mental functions of the analyst; the evaluation of the essential therapeutic factors (interpretations, support of self-reflecting, empathy, sharing, atunment, etc.) in this type of situation; the role given to working with parents, specifical internal-external objects in early adolescence.* 

*With the panel I would like to discuss these points using clinical material relating to a 14-year-old girl who has begun therapy after several attempts at suicide.* 


Edgardo Caverzasi 

  1. Poster :


     Working in the psychiatric institution with Mentalisation Based Treatment: the supervision between analytic listening and educational goal   

 Osmano Oasi, Ph.D.; Edgardo Caverzasi. M.D.   

Italian Psychoanalytic Society,“Cesare Musatti” Center, Milan 

  1. Panel  Sabato 1 agosto

The Medea-Fantasy: an inevitable burden during prenatal diagnostics? 

Panellist I:         Stephan Hau, Prof. PhD, Linköping, (Sweden), Tamara Fischmann, PhD, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany)

Ethical Dilemma due to Prenatal and Genetic Diagnostics. Psychoanalytical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives 

Panellist II:     Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber Prof. PhD (Germany)                       

Nicole Pfennig, Dipl.Psych. (Germany)                        

 “I had to decide on life and death of my unborn child…”  Interviews and case study 

Panellist III:      Nicolas Tzavaras, Prof. Dr. med. Athens (Greece)                       

Interruptions of pregnancies in Muslim families 


Dr. Gianfranco Nicolussi

Discussant al lavoro della Dottoressa Hebe Abrines :”Quando la storia fa ostacolo alla comprensione del analista” 


Antonino Ferro

Presentazione di uno dei tre lavori principali : “Transformations in dreaming and characters in the psychoanalytic fiel” 

Chair del Panel : “Cuando la Historia obstaculiza la comprension de l’analista” 


Silvia Elena Leguizamón

"La contratransferencia frente a "lo intolerable" en situaciones traumáticas severas. El caso Omar."  


Anna Ferruta, Simonetta Diena, Valeria Egidi Morpurgo, Ronny Jaffé 

  "There is a remedy for everything but deat": To bear witness, to recover and transform psychic experiences of annihilation” 


The aim of this work is to discuss the traumatic elements emerging in the clinical material of a patient, who is a third-generation Holocaust’s survivor offspring. We have known for many years that the second and third generations are contaminated with the trauma of the Shoah through the encounters with the encapsulated memories of the previous generation. The following generations received from the previous one the task of interpreting and understanding what at that time was impossible for it to interpret and understand. In this paper we present a few clinical sessions, and a short biography of a man in his fifties, who suffered from the death of many relatives and who is living in the constant expectation of additional losses. He complains above all of a persistent inability to overcome the sadness for his mother’s natural death. On the other hand he seems unwilling to lose the contact with these painful, continuous tragic events (in a detailed description of a clinical session reported in the paper he keeps on scratching the palm of his child’s hand). The active and constant reproduction of his pain preserves him from the mental representation of his losses, and he is scared that a positive work of mourning could allow forgetfulness (which is felt to be lethal). The very process of analysis is sometimes perceived as too much of an easy comfort. He remembers feeling well only when, during a trip to Israel, he had met some Russian immigrates, perfect strangers to him: they were speaking another language and they came from a place where I cannot go, the desert . We have analyzed the clinical material according to three different models of analytical mental functioning, for offering the patient different options for an apparatus for thinking he seems to lack. (the water of oniric thoughts where he can float) (In a dream he tells: I was running away from something I don’t remember now; then I was longing to swim and I started swimming, but in the dream there was no water to swim in, only a paved street.) We would like to open a discussion with the Small Discussion Group on the traumatic elements emerging in the clinical material from three different perspectives: the duty to bear witness, the need to recover and the need to transform the experiences. Here are three questions we’d like to discuss with the Group:  1) How, when and what a patient needs to remember the historical events in order to avoid the compulsive repetition of silence, shame, and rage and how these memories enter the analyst’s counter-transference in his work with the patients? 2) Is it possible that a patient can perceive the work of symbolic elaboration and of reparation as a denial, disavowal and annihilation of his painful, traumatic experience? 3) Can the symbolic transformation be felt as threat of destruction of the sensory-perceptive experience or can the experience, placed in a symbolic order shared with others, represent a way to preserve the individual and group sense of continuity? 


Valeria Egidi

Partecipazione  alla riunione interna del Committee IPA  "sul pregiudizio (incluso l’antisemitismo)" di cui sono membro dal 2005,  in cui porterò un contributo (una bibliografia ragionata su antisemitismo e psicoanalisi).  


Franco De Masi

“Il transfert erotico: sogno o delirio” 


Paola Golinelli

“Representations of Masculinity and Femininity in Almodovar’s Films”

chair del panel é Janice Lieberman, gli altri partecipanti sono Liliana Pedron (Argentina) e Isaac Tylim ( New York).  


Vincenzo Greco

“Identity and Clinical Transformations.  Theoretical and Clinical Convergences in Psychoanalysis of Serious Personality Disorder Patients“ 


Using the concept of identity, with a patient suffering from Identity Disorder, this paper presents the possibility of transforming a psychotherapy treatment into a real psychoanalysis.

Similar to what is called a “normal personality”, the PD follows a development and forms itself from the first years of life to adulthood. For various environmental, biologically or traumatic factors, it expresses a true maladjusted personality of ego-distonic and alloplastic type. Patients with PD are unaware of their impairment and the effect it has on their relationships with others. The disorder occurs in at least two of the following areas: cognitive or affective experience, interpersonal functioning and behavioral control impulses. All factors, which imply that these patients are unaware of their impairment and the effect it has on their relationships with others.  

The author notes how their mental activity is often occupied by the need to maintain a balance because of continuous emotional instability due to serious emotional anguishes: a deep sense of emptiness, dissociative aspects, loss of sense of life or specific persecutory aspects. All disturbing emotions that hinder the possibility of building a good sense of one’s Self.  

One connection consists in the convergence of Identity perception and the Self state, defined as a set of psychobiologic patterns of activation that allow the mind to find a functional cohesion when traumatic events or situations occur.

The concept of trauma in connection to psychopathological development is also discussed, with particular attention concerning Psychopathological Organizations. While protecting the mental suffering, pathological configurations control the mind and interfere with the good identity development and learning ability to control emotions.  

The presentation of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder patient, allows the possibility to show how the theoretical and clinical convergences between Neuroscience, Psychopathology and Self Development Theories is helpful in widening the field of Psychoanalysis regarding serious diseases and especially helps to understand why PD subjects cannot construct an evolutionary mind. 

Through the analyst’s sensitivity to perceive Pathological Identifications, and to adequately synchronize with the narcissistic configurations of the transference, the analytical process to modify the emotional states of the patient is shown.  Transformational modalities used in the analysis are presented, such as the communication about the self-state of the patient, metaphorical elaboration of the emotional narration which emerged during sessions, and the creation of a climate that favored the patient’s expressions of suffering.

Finally, the author comments on how through the analyst’s preservation of the patient’s communications and projections in his mind, the analyst in training can thus develop a learning capacity to transform his analytical identity.   


Franco Borgogno 
Chair nel the Panel dal titolo  
”S. Ferenczi’s Clinical Diary in our current psychoanalytic practice”

Il Panel è organizzato in questo modo:

Chair: Franco Borgogno (Italy).

Presenters: Pedro Boschan (Argentina); Jonathan Sklar (UK); Josette Garon (Canada). 

Presenter nello Small Discussion Group Clinical Psychoanalysis in the University

organizzato in questo modo: 
Chair: Ricardo Bernardi  (Uruguay).  
Presenters/Discussants: Franco Borgogno (Italy), Dominique Cupa (France), Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch (Austria),  
Adela Leibovich de Duarte (Argentina), Robert Michels (USA). 
In quest’ultimo Small Discussion Group presenterò una relazione dal titolo:  
The "journey" and reception of a questionnaire about the relation between psychoanalysts and university in Europe  


Claudia Spadazzi

“Cultural aspects of listening with the psychoanalytical "third ear". Chair: Lee Jaffe (USA)  Presenters: Gabriela Goldstein (Argentina), Bernd Keuerleber (Germany)



Emanuela Quagliata

meeting sulla ricerca in psicoanalisi, riservato agli psicoanalisti che hanno partecipato all’RTP  – Research Training Program* –  e coordinato da Peter Fonagy Il meeting si terrà mercoledì pomeriggio presso la sede del Congresso.

*International Psychoanalytical Association

Conceptual and Empirical Research Subcommittees

Research Training Programme (RTP):

a. The sub-committee organises the annual RTP at University College London.  (There will also be a parallel program at Yale in the US with the same aims).  Although organised by the Empirical Research Sub-Committee, scholars from both the conceptual and the empirical research traditions attend the RTP.  The aims of this programme are:


  1. to bring psychoanalytic scholars from around the world to meet with experienced psychoanalytic researchers to present their work and develop skills in research design and data analysis;
  2. to facilitate many psychoanalytic research careers;
  3. to increase grant submissions to the Research Advisory Board;
  4. to increase the number of publications in psychoanalytic and non-psychoanalytic journals;

to maintain an active and extensive international network of research scholars who encourage their students and also provide peer mentoring to one another.   


Franco Orsucci

Invited speaker nel simposio che si tiene sabato 1 agosto dalle 8.30 alle 10.30:

Neuroscientifc Contributions to Psychoanalytic Theory


The panel will discuss the value of neuroscientific contributions to psychoanalytic theory and suggest ways in which psychoanalytically derived ideas could become subjects of neurobiological research.


PA Panel (IPA Congress only) –


Canteros, Jorge, Argentina Presenting); Orsucci, Franco, Italy (Presenting); Bleichmar, Hugo, Spain (Presenting); Levin, Fred, USA (Presenting)


Vittoria Costantini

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