Annie Anzieu 1924-2019
Annie Anzieu è mancata il 10 novembre. Nata in Francia nell’aprile del 1924, si laurea in filosofia e psicologia a Parigi alla fine della seconda guerra mondiale.
Nel 1947 a Parigi dove vivranno, sposa Didier Anzieu, psicoanalista noto per aver approfondito la tematica dell’autoanalisi in Freud negli anni ’50 ed elaborato il concetto di Io-pelle negli anni ’80. Hanno avuto due figli Christine, anche lei psicoanalista, e Pascal.
Nel 1958, Annie che lavorava come logopedista infantile all’ospedale Salpêtrière di Parigi, fonda insieme al professor Daniel Widlöcher il Dipartimento di psicoterapia infantile di cui è stata per molti anni responsabile e dedicato il suo tempo alla formazione di molti psicoterapeuti infantili.
È stata in analisi con Georges Favez ed è diventa analista con funzioni di training della Association Psychanalytique de France, fondata nel 1964.
Nel 1984 viene nominata Presidente dell’Associazione per la Psychanalyse de l’Enfant -APE, da lei fondata insieme a Florence Guignard. Nel 1994 entrambe hanno esteso a livello europeo l’APE che è diventata la Société Européenne pour la Psychanalyse de l’Enfant et de l’ Adolescent- SEPEA di cui Annie lo stesso anno è diventata vicepresidente.
l’IPA, con l’apporto di Anne Marie Sandler di cui Annie era molto amica, crea il Committee on Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis- COCAP, che contribuisce al riconoscimento degli psicoanalisti infantili in tutto il mondo. COCAP la nomina, insieme ad altri colleghi europei, analista con funzioni di training dell’IPA nell’ambito della psicoanalisi infantile e dell’adolescenza.
Nelle sue pubblicazioni sull’analisi del bambino, Annie Anzieu ha sottolineato il ruolo delle relazioni corporee (body relations) e degli involucri psichici nel rapporto madre bambino assieme alla necessità di definire gli affetti. Ha pubblicato inoltre numerosi lavori sulla sessualità femminile. Nel suo libro “La femme sans qualités”, ha affermato che la psiche femminile risente delle rappresentazioni dell’interno del suo corpo e della sua ricettività.
Ha lasciato un’impronta sulla psicoanalisi del bambino e dell’adolescente e sulle tematiche del femminile.
Tra i suoi scritti ricordiamo:
- Le psychanalyste dans son fauteuil. In G. Favez et al.: Être psychanalyste. Paris 1976, 148-1669 (The psychoanalyst sit in its armchair)
- De la chair au verbe : mutisme et bégaiement, in Psychanalyse et langage. Du corps à la parole. Dunod 1977 ( from flesh to the verb : mutism and stuttering)
- –La Femme sans qualité. Esquisse psychanalytique de la féminité, Dunod, 1989 (The woman without qualities)
- -L’inquiétante féminité. A propos de l’adolescence, Adolescence 21, 1993/1, « Clinique de la honte ». ( Uncanny femininity)
- -Beunruhigende Weiblichkeit. Zum Thema Adoleszenz. Psyche 49, 1995, 886-902 ( Disturbing femininity)
- -Détachement, renoncement, séparation, in Journal de la psychanalyse de l’enfant, n°16, Ruptures et changements, 1997.(Detachment, renunciation, separation),
- –Le Jeu en psychothérapie de l’enfant, with Christine Anzieu-Premmereur & S. Daymas, 2000 ( Play in child psychotherapy)
- – L’hystérie, ; enveloppe d’excitations. In Les enveloppes psychiques, Dunod, coll. « Inconscient et culture » 2000 ( Hysteria, wrapping of arousal)
- –Le Travail du psychothérapeute d’enfant, Dunod, coll. « Psychothérapies », 2003 ( the work of the psychotherapist)
- Hysterie als Erregungshülle. In B. Brosig and U. Gieler (eds.): Die Haut als psychische Hülle. Gießen 2004 ( Hysteria as excitation envelope)
- (2005). Propos sur la féminité. Revue française de psychanalyse, vol. 69(4), 1103-1116. 9On Femininity)
- (2005). Sur la formations des psychothérapeutes d’enfants. Le Carnet PSY, 98(3), 30-31. ( On training for child psychotherapy)
- (2006). Corps et contre transfert. Le Carnet PSY, 111(7), 27-32.( Body and countertransference)
- Le Travail du dessin en psychothérapie de l’enfant, avec Loïse Barbey, Dunod, coll. « Psychothérapies », 2012 ( the work of drawing in child psychotherapy)
Christine Anzieu-Premmereur
23 novembre 2019
Annie Anzieu 1924-2019
Annie Anzieu passed away on November 10th.Born in France in April 1924, Annie Anzieu graduated in philosophy and psychology in Paris at the end of 2nd World War, In 1947 she married Didier Anzieu., Both became psychoanalyst later on. Didier famously elaborated his work on Freud’s self-analysis in the fifties and on the Skin Ego on the eighties. They lived in Paris, had two children, Christine and Pascal. Their daughter Christine Anzieu-Premmereur became also a psychoanalyst.In 1958, Annie Anzieu was child speech therapist at the Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, where Professor Daniel Widlöcher founded with her the Department of Child Psychotherapy. She led for many years the department. She devoted her time to teach many child psychotherapists.She was analyzed by Georges Favez and became a Training / Supervising Analyst at the “Association Psychanalytique de France”, founded in 1964. In 1984 she was nominated President of the “Association pour la Psychanalyse de l’Enfant” or “APE” as a co-founder with her colleague Florence Guignard. In 1994, both, extended to European level the “APE” and founded the “Société Européenne pour la Psychanalyse de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent (SEPEA)”. She was appointed vice president of the SEPEA the same year.
Thanks to Anne Marie Sandler, her very good friend, the IPA created the Committee On Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis (COCAP), that had helped to recognize child psychoanalysts around the world. COCAP elected Annie Anzieu among other European colleagues as Training Analysts in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis of the IPA.
Among her publications about child analysis, she emphasized the role of the body relations and psychic envelopes between mother and child, and the major needs to label affects.
In addition she published about women sexuality. In her book “La femme sans qualités”, she claimed that a woman’s psyche is influenced by representations of her body’s interior and receptivity.
She left a footprint in the psychoanalytic world for the treatment of child, adolescent and women.
Bibliography ( Personal translation)
- Le psychanalyste dans son fauteuil. In G. Favez et al.: Être psychanalyste. Paris 1976, 148-1669 (The psychoanalyst sit in its armchair)
- De la chair au verbe : mutisme et bégaiement, in Psychanalyse et langage. Du corps à la parole. Dunod 1977 ( from flesh to the verb : mutism and stuttering)
- –La Femme sans qualité. Esquisse psychanalytique de la féminité, Dunod, 1989 (The woman without qualities)
- -L’inquiétante féminité. A propos de l’adolescence, Adolescence 21, 1993/1, « Clinique de la honte ». ( Uncanny femininity)
- -Beunruhigende Weiblichkeit. Zum Thema Adoleszenz. Psyche 49, 1995, 886-902 ( Disturbing femininity)
- -Détachement, renoncement, séparation, in Journal de la psychanalyse de l’enfant, n°16, Ruptures et changements, 1997.(Detachment, renunciation, separation),
- –Le Jeu en psychothérapie de l’enfant, with Christine Anzieu-Premmereur & S. Daymas, 2000 ( Play in child psychotherapy)
- -L’hystérie, ; enveloppe d’excitations. In Les enveloppes psychiques, Dunod, coll. « Inconscient et culture » 2000 ( Hysteria, wrapping of arousal)
- –Le Travail du psychothérapeute d’enfant, Dunod, coll. « Psychothérapies », 2003 ( the work of the psychotherapist)
- Hysterie als Erregungshülle. In B. Brosig and U. Gieler (eds.): Die Haut als psychische Hülle. Gießen 2004 ( Hysteria as excitation envelope)
- (2005). Propos sur la féminité. Revue française de psychanalyse, vol. 69(4), 1103-1116. 9On Femininity)
- (2005). Sur la formations des psychothérapeutes d’enfants. Le Carnet PSY, 98(3), 30-31. ( On training for child psychotherapy)
- (2006). Corps et contre transfert. Le Carnet PSY, 111(7), 27-32.( Body and countertransference)
- Le Travail du dessin en psychothérapie de l’enfant, avec Loïse Barbey, Dunod, coll. « Psychothérapies », 2012 ( the work of drawing in child psychotherapy)
Christine Anzieu-Premmereur
November 23, 2019