Chi Siamo

COCAP meeting in London 26th March 2010


Minutes by Majlis Winberg Salomonsson

Members: Florence Guignard chair, Lee Ascherman, Marta Badoni, Dieter Bürgin, Christine Frisch-Desmarez, Angela Joyce, Leena Klockars, Nilde Parada Franch, Lilo Plaschkes, Majlis Winberg Salomonsson.

1. Opening

Florence Guignard, chair of the meeting and COCAP, opened the meeting in offering a quick lunch to the group. She welcomed us all, specially our guests from North America, Lee Ascherman, and Latin America, Nilde Parada Franch.  

2. Overall aims

Florence Guignard outlined our two main aims:

* To examine new proposals regarding training in child and adolescent psychoanalysis in different Institutes within the IPA.

* To discuss and develop different models of training which have already been accepted.

3. Reports from North America and Latin America

Nilde Parada Franch from Sao Paulo told us about their reference program for all societies planning for Child analytic training in Latin America. They have also put up a bibliography of literature for help in organising and improving the training in different Societies. We accepted her kind offer to send the plan in English to our group for further study.

Lee Ascherman from Birmingham AL gave us an overview over the societies in the US. Every sixth year a Society gets site visit when also the question of Child and adolescent Psychoanalysis is investigated. Audiovisual links are sometimes used as part of the Child analytic training. At some places it is a well developed model, useful in teaching and supervision. Lee offered to send us their curriculum and we thank for that.

4. The Questionnaire regarding child psychoanalytic training in Europe

Leena Klockars reported about the questionnaire she and Majlis Winberg Salomonsson have sent to the European Societies. The questionnaire concerns questions if there exists training in child and adolescent psychoanalysis at the Institute and, if so, how it is conducted. So far we have received 14 answers and hopefully we will get more with our next reminder. We will give a more detailed report when more answers are available.

5.  Co-operation with other organisations

We discussed the importance of co-operation with other groups and to associate COCAP with other organisations. For instance, we could encourage common programs for all analysts so as not to create an artificial border between analytic work with children, adolescents and adults. 

6. Child analytic training only?

The report to the ad hoc IPA Committee for Child only trained analysts by Peter Blos Jr. had been sent out and discussed earlier on mail. Today Florence Guignard gave us a short overview on the subject, and Angela Joyce told us about the discussion in the British society. We will discuss the question further on mail.

No other issues were reported.

Florence Guignard thanked the participants for their contributions and closed the meeting.

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