“Psychoanalysis and University” Panel in EPF Conference Wien 2008
Psychoanalysis and University. What Future for Psychoanalysis in the University? Problems and Ideas
Franco Borgogno (Italian Psychoanalytic Society)
Adela Leibovich de Duarte (Sociedad Argentina de Psicoanálisis) – Introduction to the Panel
Johannes Lehtonen (Finnish Psychoanalytical Society) – Psychoanalysis and University in Finland
Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch (Austrian Psychoanalytical Society) – The relevance of basic psychoanalytic research for psychoanalysis at University
In our previous meetings we have presented and discussed different aspects and levels of the complex and controversial relationship between Psychoanalysis and University in different countries. In this year’s panel we would like to focus on what could be our future goals and projects regarding the relationship with the University, and in which way we could create the best conditions for the survival and the future developments of psychoanalysis in the University.
Each one of the Presenters, with brief interventions centered on specific topics, will give to our debate the frame and the structure, but we hope to open a free discussion with the floor in order to think together of our strategies and how to overcome dilemmas and difficulties that arise in maintaining and relaunching our specific place in the University.
An issue which we have started to face in the last Berlin IPA Conference.