Cultura e Società

Zygmunt Bauman ‘sfida’ Freud a suo dire “rovesciandolo” ,L’Espresso, 24/05/2012

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News from the “Psychoanalysis and University” IPA Committee, January 2012

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Outreach activities held at the University of Turin (Postgraduate School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology and School of Doctorate in Human Sciences, Department of Psychology) in 2010-2011

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Report on the activities and achievements of the “Psychoanalysis and University Committee” in the last years, and the committee’s plans for the immediate future

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Abstract “Psychoanalysis and University” Panel in EPF Bruxelles Conference 2009

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Abstract “Psychoanalysis and University” Panel in EPF Conference Wien 2008

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Giovanni Hautmann e il pensiero gruppale.

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“Perdere la testa. Abiezione, conflitto estetico e critica psicoanalitica” di G. Civitarese. Recensione di G. Bubbolini

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